Economic - economical - economics - economy

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You searched for economics, economic or economy - or some similar word. Several articles may be relevant.

  • Economics is an academic subject.
    • For a note on a grammatical nicety, specifically the grammatical number, see -ics, with regard particularly to economics.
  • Economy, as an abstract noun, is the quality of thrift, or saving; and may be applied to expending a minimum - of money, of effort or of such things as time, or volume of voice, etc.
  • The economy, on the other hand, is the whole system of money, trade, wealth and so on, which forms the subject matter of Economics. Economies in this sense may exist on different scales: there are national economies, the global economy, and, although less commonly talked about, there are family and household economies.
  • For information and advice on pronunciation, see Economic - economical - economics - economy (pronunciation).
  • The related adjectives are economical (which broadly speaking is the adjective related to thrift, or saving') and economic, which may apply to both economy (in both its senses) or economics. For information and advice, go to Economic - economical.
  • There is also a common typographical error - see economies - economise.