From Hull AWE
This is one of the 117 mis-spellings listed as 'Common difficulties' in the section on 'Spelling' within 'Writing' in UEfAP.
Particularly causes some writers problems with spelling because of the way it is pronounced. In casual speech, the last three syllables are slurred in various ways, sometimes leaving only two: 'part-ick-er-ly', IPA: /pər ˈtɪk ə lɪ/. Pedantic speakers articulate five syllables, and distinguish between the consonants '-r-' and '-l-'. They also form the vowel '-u-' with precision, This gives 'par-TICK-you-lar-ly', /par ˈtɪk uːl ər lɪ/. The most usual RP realization falls between these two, with looser vowels: 'per-TICK-you-ler-li', /pər ˈtɪk uːl ər lɪ/ (as recorded in LPD).
- In writing. note:
there are two '-a-' plus '-r-' combinations, in the first and fourth syllables; and
there is a '-u-' in the the third syllable
- You may also want to see AWE's articles on particular.
- Dickens also, it may be noted, used the spelling particklerly to represent the colloquial speech of his less educated characters. Other writers have used this spelling, as well as partickerly.