Popes (chronological List - to 1000)

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Chronological List of Popes (and Antipopes), after Kelly & Walsh 2010. There is very little evidence - and some accretion of legend - about the earliest Popes. This list is being split into two, for technical reasons. This page contains the Popes of the first millennium; the list for the others is at Popes (chronological List - 1000 to now). (You may want to note that there has never been a Pope Joan.)

You may find it more helpful to consult the alphabetical list of Popes. That too has been split, into Popes (alphabetical list A-L) and Popes (alphabetical list - M-Z).

Regnal dates Papal name original name family notes
to 64 Peter Simon Peter Bar-Jonah The Disciple Saint Peter
c.66–c.78 Linus Tuscan Canonized.
c.79–c.91 Anacletus Canonized; perhaps a (?former) slave
In the first lists, counted as first Pope: Peter was special
c.91–c.101 Clement I Canonized. Perhaps the 'Clement' mentioned in NT (Philippians 4:3).
c.100–c.109 Evaristus  ? Greek Canonized, although "nothing is in fact reliably known abou
c.109–c.116 Alexander I 'son of Alexander' Canonized; reputed a martyr
c.116–c.125 Sixtus I Xystus 'Son of Pastor'; Roman, prob of Greek extraction Canonized (possibly mythical: Sixtus may be because he was Pope #6
c.125–c.136 Telesphorus Greek Martyr; Canonized
c.138–c.142 Hyginus Greek Canonized
c.142–c.155 Pius I 'Son of Rufinus' (Italian from Aquileia) Canonized. Probably born a slave
c.155–c.166 Anicetus Syrian Canonized
c.166–c.174 Soter Southern Italian Canonized
c.174–89 Eleutherius (Eleutherus) Canonized; reigned 15 yrs 3 months
189–98 Victor I African by birth; 1st Latin pope Canonized
198/9–217 Zephyrinus 'Son of Habundius'; Roman Canonized
217–22 Callistus (Calixtus) I Roman (from Trastevere) Canonized; a former slave and convict
217–35 [Hippolytus] Greek-speaking The first Antipope, in opposition to Callistus I, Urban I and Pontian. Later Canonized
222–30 Urban I 'Son of Pontianus'; (Roman) Canonized
230–35 Pontian 'Son of Calpurnius'; Roman. Canonized, martyred. 1st pope to abdicate, to allow a successor before his deportation
235–6 Anterus  ? Greek Canonized
236–50 Fabian Roman Canonized
251–3 Cornelius - Roman, possibly of gens cornelia Canonized
251–8) [Novatian] ?Roman Antipope in opposition to Cornelius. Born c. 200; "founder of Roman theology."
253–4 Lucius I Roman Canonized; though banished, probably not martyred.
254–7 Stephen I Roman; of the gens Julia Canonized
257–8 Sixtus II Xystus Of Greek extraction; in Spain before Rome Canonized
260–68 Dionysius Probably Greek Canonized. Despite his name being that of a Roman deity, he kept it - unlike John II
269–74 Felix I Eoman Canonized. "Oone of the obscurest popes" (Kelly & Walsh 2010).
275–83 Eutychian (Eutychianus) 'son of Marinus' Tuscan Canonized
283–96 Gaius (Caius)  ? Dalmatian "nothing is known about him or his activities" (Kelly & Walsh 20100.
296–?304 Marcellinus Canonized, although apostasized during Diocletian persecution. D. 304
[?]306–[?]8 Marcellus I Canonized.
310 Eusebius Greek Canonized
311–14 Miltiades (Melchiades)  ? Roman
314–35 Silvester I 'Son of Rufinus' (?Roman) Canonized
336 Mark 'Son of Priscus'; Roman Canonized
337–52 Julius I Roman Canonized
352–66 Liberius Roman
355–65 [Felix II] Roman Antipope in opposition to Liberius; Emperor Constantius recognized them as co-bishops of Rome.
366–84 Damasus I 'son of Antonius'; Roman Commissioned Vulgate from St Jerome; canonized. Born c. 305.
366–7 [Ursinus] Antipope (successor to antipope Felix II; in opposition to Liberius and Damasus I
384–99 Siricius Roman Canonized
399–401 Anastasius I (Roman by birth) Canonized
401–17 Innocent I son of Anastasius I or another Innocent Canonized. "The first [modern] Pope"
417–18 Zosimus Canonized. Son of Abraham; Greek, possibly of Jewish descent
418–22 Boniface I 'son of Iocundus' Roman by birth Canonized
418–19 [Eulalius] probably Greek Antipope in opposition to St Boniface I; accepted imperial deposition. Died 423
422–32 Celestine I son of Priscus Italian (Campagna) Canonized
432–40 Sixtus (Xystus) III Xystus Son of Xystus, Roman Canonized. Opponent of Pelagius
440–61 Leo I Born late 4th C. in Rome ? of Tuscan parentage Canonized: Leo 'the Great'
461–8 Hilarus son of Crispinus (Sardinian) Canonized
468–83 Simplicius 'Son of Castinus'; born at Tivoli Canonized
483–92 Felix III (II) Roman Canonized. Numbered (III) because of antipope Felix II; properly II
492–6 Gelasius I Roman, of African descent Canonized: "the outstanding pope of the 5th century" (Kelly & Walsh 2010).
496–8 Anastasius II 'son of Peter' Roman by birth
498–514 Symmachus Sardinian Canonized
498/9; 501–6 [Lawrence]/Laurentius Roman Antipope in opposition to Symmachus.
514–23 Hormisdas son of Eustace (Italian) Canonized
523–6 John I (Tuscan ?) Canonized.
526–30 Felix IV (III) Samnite (Italian) Canonized
530–32 Boniface II 'son of Sigibuld Germanic, although born in Rome
530 Dioscorus Pope for 22 days
533–5 John II Mercurius 1st Pope to adopt a regnal name.
535–6 Agapitus I (Agapetus) 'son of Gordianus' Canonized
536–7 Silverius Son of Hormisdas (of Frosinone) Canonized. Deposed 537 by Vigilius; died later that year
537–55 Vigilius Roman
556–61 Pelagius I Roman
561–74 John III Son of Anastasius (Roman)
575–579 Benedict I 'Son of Boniface'
579–90 Pelagius II Son of Unigild (Goth) Born in Rome. D, there of plague 590
590-604 Gregory I Roman Canonized; Gregory the Great (Gregory Dialogus to the Orthodox Church). Born c.540.
604–6 Sabinian(us) Tuscan
607 Boniface III Roman-born, possibly of Greek family
608–15 Boniface IV Born in Aquila (Italy) Canonized
615-618 Deusdedit 'son of Stephen' (later Adeodatus I)
Adeodatus is the passive equivalent of the active
'God-given' for 'God gave'
619–25 Boniface V 'son of John' Naples
625–38 Honorius I son of Petronius (Campanian)
640 Severinus Son of Avienus; Roman Reigned only two months
640–42 John IV Son of Venantius (Dalmatian)
642–9 Theodore I Greek; b. at Jerusalem
649–53 Martin I Canonized; the last Pope venerated as a martyr
(for his opposition to monothelitism
654–7 Eugene/Eugenius I 'son of Rufinianus'; (Roman) Canonized
657–72 Vitalian Son of Anastasius (Roman) Canonized
672–6 Adeodatus II 'son of Jovinianus'
676–8 Donus 'son of Maurice'; Roman
678–81 Agatho (Sicilian) Canonized
682–3 Leo II Sicilian Canonized.
684–5 Benedict II 'Roman by birth' Canonized (see Saint Benedict
685–6 John V Son of Cyriacus (Syrian)
686–7 Conon Sicilian
687 [Theodore] (?) Antipope; never consecrated; ceded to Sergius
687 [Paschal] Antipope in opposition to Thedore & Sergius. D. 692, imprisoned.
687–701 Sergius I Canonized. Born in Sicily, of a Syrian family
701–5 John VI Greek "Nothing is known of his background" Kelly & Walsh 2010
705–7 John VII Greek by birth. Son of Plato (Byzantine official)
708 Sisinnius Syrian; son of a John Nothing is known of his background
767–8 Constantine Syrian
715-731 Gregory II Roman Canonized; born 669
731–41 Gregory III Syrian Canonized
741–52 Zacharias South Italian/Greek Canonized. Born c. 679. The last of the Greek popes.
752 Stephen (II) Stephen Roman Died (stroke) 4 days after election; never consecrated. Not now recognized as a Pope: hence dual numbering after him.
752–7 Stephen II (III) Roman Effectively the founder of the Papal State
757–67 Paul I Roman Canonized. Elected after his brother Stephen II (III).
708–15 [Constantine] - brother of Duke of Nepi antipope, in opposition to Stephen III (IV)
768 [Philip] Antipope in opposition to Christopher. 'Pope' for 1 day; "innocent tool...he should in all fairness be reckoned as neither a pope nor an antipope" (Kelly & Walsh 2010)
768–72 Stephen III (IV) Sicilian
772–95 Hadrian I Nephew of Theodosius; Roman
795–816 Leo III Roman Canonized; crowned Charlemagne Emperor 800.
816–17 Stephen IV (V) Roman
817–824 Paschal I Roman Canonized, although not seemingly worthy
824–7 Eugene/Eugenius II Roman
827 Valentine 'Son of Leontius ' Roman (of the Via Lata) Reigned 40 days, od so
827–44 Gregory IV Roman
844 [John] Roman Antipope in opposition to Sergius
844–7 Sergius II Roman (relative of Stephen IV (V)
847–55 Leo IV 'son of Radoald'; Roman, of Lombard extraction Canonized
855–8 Benedict III Roman
855 [Anastasius Bibliothecarius] 'nephew of Arsenius' (d. 868) Antipope in opposition to Benedict III
858–67 Nicholas I son of Theodore Canonized. Born in Rome c. 820. Sometimes 'the Great'
867–72 Hadrian II Stephen IV & Sergius
872–82 John VIII Roman; son of Gundo
882–4 Marinus I Sometimes mis-labelled Martin II 'son of a priest'; Tuscan
884–5 Hadrian III Roman; son of Benedict Canonized, by popular acclaim alone.
885–91 Stephen V (VI) Roman
891–6 Formosus Roman
896 Boniface VI 'son of Bishop Hadrian' Died after fifteen days
896–7 Stephen VI (VII) 'Son of John'; Roman
897 Romanus 'Son of Constantine' (Roman) Ruled 4 months; confined to monastery thereafter
897 Theodore II 'Son of Photius'; Roman Reigned 20 days
898–900 John IX Italian
900–03 Benedict IV 'son of Mammolus' Roman
903 Leo V Latian Deposed & jailed by Christopher, with whom he was murdered.
903–4 [Christopher] Antipope, in opposition to Leo V (above), whom he jailed. Jailed & murdered with Leo by Sergius III
904–11 Sergius III 'son of Benedict' (Roman)
911–13 Anastasius III 'son of Lucian' Roman by birth Little evidence survives
913–14 Lando son of Taino (Lombard) Reigned, 6 months 11 days. "Nothing is known " (Kelly & Walsh 2010)
914–28 John X Born in Romagna Deposed; died 929
928 Leo VI 'Son of Christopher'; Roman
928–31 Stephen VII (VIII) Son of Teudemundus (?German); Roman
931–5/6 John XI Roman
936–9 Leo VII Roman Patron of St Odo of Cluny
939–42 Stephen VIII (IX) Roman
942–6 Marinus II S.t. mis-labelled Martin III Roman Protege of Prince Alberic of Rome
946–55 Agapitus II (Agapetus) Nothing is known of his origins
955–64 John XII Octavian Bastard son of Alberic (c.905–54), prince of Rome. Born c. 937
963–5 Leo VIII Leo son of John In conflict with John XIII and Benedict V
964 Benedict V Roman Victim of politics: elected 22 May; deposed 23 June 964
965–72 John XIII Son of John Episcopus (Roman)
973–4 Benedict VI 'son of Hildebrand' Roman Deposed, imprisoned and strangled by Boniface VII
974; 1st attempt [Boniface VII] Franco son of Ferrucius Antipope, Crescentii candidate vs Benedict VI
974–83 Benedict VII 'son of David' Roman; connected to Crescentii aristocrat
984–5; 2nd attempt [Boniface VII] Franco son of Ferrucius Antipope, Crescentii candidate vs John XIV
983–4 John XIV Peter Canepanova (Pavian) Not elected; imposed by Emperor Otto II (973–83). Imprisoned, deposed & murdered by Boniface VII
985–96 John XV Roman; son of Leo (a priest)
996–9 Gregory V Bruno Nephew of Emperor Otto III
997–8 [John XVI] John Philagathos (Greek born in Italy Antipope in opposition to Gregory V. Died 1001, mutilated and captive
999–1003 Silvester II
This entry appears also in the list for the 2nd millennium
Gerbert Born c. 945 in Auvergne
This chronological list of Popes is continued at Popes (chronological List - 1000 to now).

This list has been constructed largely on the basis of the "Alphabetical List of Popes and Antipopes (names of antipopes in italics)" The Oxford Dictionary of Popes. by J. N. D. Kelly. Oxford University Press Inc. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. University of Hull. 18 June 2010 <http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t99.e1046>