Whisky - whiskey
From Hull AWE
These two spellings are of the same word. It means an alcoholic spirit distilled from a grain or malt. The two spellings have come to be used for varieties of this spirit derived from different places. People who like the spirit, and pedantic academics (these are not always different people), regard the use of the wrong spelling as a grave error. I cannot think so. It is an error, but a trivial one.
Nevertheless, good writers should always bear the prejudices of their readers in mind - so spell whisk(e)y correctly. If you are writing academic English, your spelling should be perfect.
- Whisky is the spelling that is used for the spirit distilled in Scotland, often called Scotch.
- Whiskey is the spelling for the spirit made in Ireland and in America. In North America, it is often made from a different grain (maize or rye) from the barley used in Scotland and Ireland.