Accent (pronunciation)
From Hull AWE
The word accent is pronounced differently according to whether it is a verb or a noun.
- The noun 'an accent' is stressed on the first syllable, 'AX-ent', IPA: /ˈæks ɛnt/.
- The verb 'to accent' (to stress, usually a syllable) has the stress on the second syllable, 'ax-SENT', IPA: /æks ˈɛnt/.
- The -ed participle, used as an adjective to mean '[speaking an] English whose sound shows that the speaker is not a native speaker of English, is accented, with stress on the second syllable: 'ax-SENT-ed', IPA: /æks ˈɛnt əd/.
You may also want to see other articles about accent.
- For the way in which different speakers sound, see Accent and dialect.
- For the written marks, see written accent.
- For the phenomenon in pronunciation where one unit is made stronger, see stress.
- =====Note=====
- This pattern of shifting stress in words that look identical but belong to two separate word classes is quite common in English.
- Quirk (1985) (Appendix I.56 B) describes the most common: "When verbs of two syllables are converted into nouns, the stress is sometimes shifted from the second to the first syllable. The first syllable, typically a Latin prefix, often has a reduced vowel /ə/ in the verb but a full vowel in the noun: He was con-VICT-ed (IPA: /kən ˈvɪkt ɪd/) of theft, and so became a CON vict (IPA: /ˈkɒn vɪkt/)" [AWE's rendition of IPA].
- There follows a list of some 57 "words having end-stress as verbs but initial stress as nouns in Br[itish] E[nglish]." Note that "in Am[erican] E[nglish], many have initial stress as verbs also". Quirk's list is the foundation of AWE's category:shift of stress. Additions have been made from, amongst others, Fowler, 1926-1996.
- Quirk (1985) (Appendix I.56 B) describes the most common: "When verbs of two syllables are converted into nouns, the stress is sometimes shifted from the second to the first syllable. The first syllable, typically a Latin prefix, often has a reduced vowel /ə/ in the verb but a full vowel in the noun: He was con-VICT-ed (IPA: /kən ˈvɪkt ɪd/) of theft, and so became a CON vict (IPA: /ˈkɒn vɪkt/)" [AWE's rendition of IPA].
- This pattern of shifting stress in words that look identical but belong to two separate word classes is quite common in English.